4-8-2024 IMA House bike rally with helmet

Indian Orthopaedic Society, Karnataka Orthopaedic association and Canara Orthopaedic society, Mangalore
celebrates National Bone and Joint week from 1st August -7th August,2024 and the theme for this year is prioritising
and creating awareness on importance of road safety. Data shows approximately 2,50,000 deaths in India in the year
2021 due to road traffic accidents and this is the 5th most common cause of death and unfortunately these are
preventable deaths will appropriate awareness. Approximately 500 lives are lost everyday due to RTAs.

The focus of this awareness week being on mainly the following:
1.Use of Helmets for 2 wheelers reducing risk of death from 80% to 40%.
2.Use of seat belts in four wheelers including child restraints are also important decreasing loss of lives by 50% along with
use of door locks for safety of children. 
3. Avoiding Drinking and drive.
4. Avoid use of cellphones while driving especially hand held mobile devides b y the drivers which can reduce loss of life by
upto 4 times!!

The above rules are very simple and very effective to follow
and the same needs to be stressed upon the general
population as mentioned in the press meeting attended by
Senior Orthopaedic surgeon and VC of Nitte University- Prof
M Shantharam Shetty, President and secretary of Canara
Orthopaedic Society, Mangalore DrK Ramachandra Kamath
and Dr Ahmed Rizwan respectively, also by the past president
of Canara Orthopaedic Society Dr Sachidananda Rai.